I led implementation of a cooperative hydroacoustic survey for Atlantic menhaden off New Jersey in winter 2022 with collaborators from VIMS, industry, ASAAC, NJDEP, NEFSC and SEFSC. This project was funded by Saltonstall-Kennedy. Our final report is available here.
I am collaborating with CBL ,VIMS, and MDDNR colleagues to explore the impacts of climate change on fisheries by modeling potential linkages between rare events in long time series of fish and environmental monitoring data sets in the Chesaake Bay. This project was funded by the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office.
I am working with colleagues at CBL, VIMS, NOAA CRB, and industry to simulation test new models of longfin and shortin squid population dynamics. These projects were funded by the NOAA Norheast Fisheries Science Center and the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council.
I received a CINAR Early Career Fellowship in Quantitative Fisheries and Ecosystem Science and funds from National SeaGrant American Lobster Initiative to develop a growth model for American lobster capable of integrating multiple data types and time-varying growth across juvenile to adult life stages.
I am collaborating with CBL, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, and NOAA colleagues to evaluate the consequences of alternative harvest policies for Atlantic menhaden and the impacts on their predator, Atlantic striped bass. This project was funded by Maryland Sea Grant.
I frequently speak on sustainable seafood issues and am writing a book about how to translate personal values into sustainable seafood choices.